New York, NY- Caesarstone USA, Inc will have an influential presence at this year’s Kitchen of the Year (KOTY) presented by House Beautiful Magazine. The event will take place from July 16th to July 20th 2012 at Rockefeller Center in New York City. Caesarstone USA, Inc. will be showcasing their newest line of the high-end quartz surface, Supremo. This is an opportunity for industry insiders, editors and journalists to get the scoop on the latest trends in quartz textures and colors.
During Kitchen of the Year, Caesarstone USA, Inc. will also launch it’s consumer focused social media contests on July 16th in association with The Interior Collective and the Supremo Collection.
Kitchen of the Year with House Beautiful and Caesarstone USA, Inc. is an ongoing partnership and tradition.
Kitchen of the Year Contest Details:
Beginning on Monday, July 16, 2012 through August 10, 2012, members of The Interior Collective will be able to submit a photo of their current kitchen and explain how they would change the room. Users will also state which Caesarstone color they would use in the remodel and why. After the submission period ends, a panel of judges will select one Grand Prize winner. The Grand Prize winner will receive a full set of Whirlpool White Ice Appliances (range/oven, refrigerator, microwave and dishwasher) and $5,000 in Caesarstone slabs (includes fabrication and installation) to create the kitchen of their dreams. This contest is open to everyone and not limited to attendees of Kitchen of the Year.
The Supremo Nationwide Scavenger Hunt Details:
Beginnning July 16 through July 20, 2012, while at KOTY in NYC, Caesarstone will tweet a photo of a Supremo slab each day, Monday – Friday, and will ask users to reply by tweeting a photo of something that is of a similar shade and aesthetic. Users throughout NYC and the rest of the US will take photos of objects and places that remind them of Supremo’s unique color and texture and tweet them to @CaesarstoneUSA.
Caesarstone will choose 5 of these submissions, create a mood board and post it on TheInteriorCollective.com. The 5 users that submitted these photos will win a prize. Users must log on or see site in Rockefeller Center to see if they’ve won.
Additionally, users that tweet a photo and show their tweet to a Caesarstone representative at KOTY will be allowed to enter a separate sweepstakes to win a prize. This contest is open to everyone and not limited to attendees of Kitchen of the Year.
Caesarstone is the original quartz surfaces manufacturer. Caesarstone USA, Inc. is headquartered in Southern California with sales divisions and major distribution centers across the US. Caesarstone’s premium quartz surfaces complement any design, from traditional to contemporary, for both home and commercial applications.
For more information about Caesarstone USA, Inc. please visit caesarstoneus.com.